Cole Schafer’s Copywriting Course Review: How to write words that sell like a Florida Snow Cone Vendor
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…..on the hottest day of the year
Before we get into this Cole Schafer’s Copywriting Course review……here is another great money-making opportunity!
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What I Learned Inside Cole Schafer’s Copywriting Course
What? What in the world kind of crazy title is that? How to write words that sell like a Florida Snow Cone Vendor on the hottest day of the year! Wow!
I’ve never read a title quite like it — but I gotta say, I bought the course, didn’t I?!
Cole Schafer’s copywriting course isn’t the style of writing I’m used to! First, I don’t personally talk that way. Second, maybe my problem as a writer is that I don’t talk that way!
Words. Have. Power. Remember that time you said something dumb and regretted it later? Afterwards you learned that words matter — in relationships, life, and business. Show me a successful marriage, friendship, or company, and I’ll show you someone somewhere who is good with words.
Enter Cole Schafer. Cole Schafer loves words.
He is the ink slinger (aka author) behind Honey Copy, and the man responsible for that little morsel above (which is the name of his $97 copywriting course I’m gonna review).
How to write words that sell like a Florida Snow Cone Vendor on the hottest day of the year is a 10,000 word whopper about the fine art of effective copywriting. From now on I’ll use Mr. Schafer’s nickname — Snow Cones. Snow Cones is written to help us write (and sell) better.
But first an introduction — Cole Schafer describes himself as “a writer and adman teaching 15,353 marketers and entrepreneurs how to sell like hell with the written word.” And he’s good at it. In fact, let’s just say he has now taught 15,354 people to write better (me included)!
Cole Schafer is not your average ad man. His writing is clean, compelling, and crystal clear. So clear that if you are offended by spicy syntax, then be forewarned, Schafer has a little pepper spray in his pen! His writing is PG-13 (occasionally rated-R).
It’s 100% intentional and unapologetic, but some readers might still find it jolting. I’m pretty sure Cole Schafer doesn’t care. But if you can stomach a little copywriting hot sauce, then Schafer will teach you a thing or two.
Why would someone pay $97 to learn how to write?
That’s exactly what I was asking myself as I typed in my Visa number. Why should I pay someone to teach me how to do something I already know how to do? Answer — I know how to write, but Cole Schafer knows how to turn a phrase! I want to learn how to do that.
Before I took Cole’s course, of course I could draft words. But my writing style reminded me of a nerd on a first date — he can speak English, but he has no game!
I suspect people like me (and maybe you by the end of this review) will offer up $97 to improve your craft. Maybe you’re a blogger with limited readers. Or maybe you’re an author with writer’s block. Or maybe you jot company emails that nobody reads. Let’s change that!
All of us want our words to connect. Getting better with words affects pretty much every aspect of life. If you could move the needle with your writing, wouldn’t that be worth $97. I’m trying to learn to sling ink better, so I bought Cole’s course — now look at me sling!
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Why should we follow Cole Schafer?
Take it away Cole…
- I run a six-figure copywriting business called Honey Copy that works with brands all over the globe on writing words that read like poetry and sell like Ogilvy.
- I once wrote a crowdfunding page for an Israeli luggage company that generated $140,000 in funding in a week-ish.
- I’ve flown across the world to Minsk, Belarus to teach copywriting and marketing to this startup, this startup, this startup and this startup (it’s a long story, perhaps one for another day).
- I’ve written viral articles like The Psychology of Selling that have set the internet world on fire.
- I’ve written billboards for a protein company in an ad war with a competitor, I’ve written email series for SaaS startups looking to bolster sales, I’ve written advertisements for large media companies like The Hustle and I’ve even written copy for the American Ultimate Disc League.
Either you can write, or you can’t, and Mr. Schafer can cook with a keyboard. And after blasting through his simple, yet compelling 10,000 word course, I think I can say there’s a little more magic in my pen.
What is Snow Cones?
No, it’s not a flavored ice treat. Snow Cones is a meaty (but fat-free) copywriting course. Here’s Cole Schafer describing his course…
I created it for folks interested in learning how to write copy that sells, quickly. You can work through this 10,000-word guide in an afternoon. But it’s packed full of so much information, you will find yourself revisiting it repeatedly. It acts as both a course and a reference book for marketers.
What is copywriting and how does it help sell like hell?
Copywriting is the art of using words to make potential buyers drool like a St. Bernard on a Wagyu T-bone. In one way or another we all hope to “sell” something — products, courses, advertisers, or just ideas. And if you wanna sell people stuff, you must be able to say things well.
Cole Schafer describes copywriting as…
The act of selling something with words. Copywriting, unlike regular everyday writing, is getting the reader to not just think about something but to actually do something. Or, better yet, buy something. When we understand the whole reason we are writing copy is to get someone to do something or buy something, something magical happens –– we write words that people actually want to read and as a result, we sell more stuff.
Snow Cones reads like a long-ish article. Reading Snow Cones is inviting yet challenging. Schafer’s writing is pithy and punchy. The course is unfiltered and uncluttered — and I want to write unfiltered and uncluttered prose. The magic of Snow Cones is not just that it teaches you principles for clearer copy. It’s that you begin to think like a better copywriter while you absorb good copywriting. Clever huh?!
Aren’t there plenty of other copywriting courses out there?
Yep, there are lots of good ink slingers around. Browse around and you’ll find other great courses:
- The Copy Cure by Laura Belgray who runs a website called Talking Shrimp — course opens once per year so I don’t know the price
- Malcom Gladwell’s Masterclass is $120 for a subscription to Masterclass (which includes oodles of other video curriculum)
- Ramit Sethi’s Call to Action course on how to use words to 2x your business — currently on a wait list so I don’t know the price
- The Copywriting Course by Neville Medhora — at $997 per year it better be good!
- The granddaddy of all copywriting courses is the AWAI Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting — at $497 it ain’t cheap, but it’s got a great reputation
With so many options to choose from, why would someone buy Snow Cones? Because Cole Schafer tries to de-clutter the learning process to help us write faster without the fluff.
Schafer says Snow Cones is a “short, punchy, ridiculously-sweet guide that’ll teach you how to sell like hell with pretty words… in less than an afternoon. Unlike so many of the massive 70+ module courses that drone on forever and then some, Snow Cones can be enjoyed in less than an afternoon and leave you with copywriting gems you can begin applying to your marketing immediately.”
And I think he’s right. Lots of copywriting courses are expensive overkill while Snow Cones won’t go unused. Here’s one more gem from Cole Schafer — “In all seriousness, 90% of courses purchased online never get completed. If customers are paying me money, I want them to complete the damn course. So, I made this puppy short, sweet and punchy.”
It worked for me, and it might help you too.
How do you write words that sell like a Florida Snow Cone Vendor on the hottest day of the year?
You gotta spend your own $97 to learn all the details, but I can tell you Snow Cones is a bunch of useful, easily digestible copywriting nuggets.
Schafer doesn’t mess with photos, illustrations, workbooks, sample lessons, or any other copywriting crap. His course is purpose-built to teach how to write in plain language for maximum impact in the shortest time possible. His method and his model works!
Here’s a little teaser of what’s inside the course. Lesson 1 starts with how to “hook” your readers with killer headlines. A headline might be the subject of an email, the title of a blog post, or the launch of a direct sales letter. Nail the headline and you may nail the sale.
Cole Schafer suggests that if you’re spending five hours writing a piece of copy, then one of those hours should be spent on the headline alone. He calls this the 20% rule — spend 20% of your time writing copy on the actual headline itself.
Schafer spends about 50% of Snow Cones on crafting compelling headlines. He teaches four separate sections on headlines, including a sizable chunk devoted to David Ogilvy’s 10-part framework for writing potent starters. Ogilvy said strong headlines could increase sales by as much as 1,000%.
This is just one of the mini (many) nuggets to teach us to sell like hell. Buy the course to dig deeper.
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What else is in Snow Cones?
- How to write a first sentence that grabs the reader by the shirt and tells them to listen up
- How to vary sentence length for sharper copy
- How to improve your writing so people can understand it
- How to write sentences to make your readers and customers do something
- How to write so it sounds like a human wrote it
- How to not use slang, jargon, and cliches
- How to write with a strategy so you aren’t just typing words
- How to be aware of the psychological reasons people buy things
- And the most important copywriting rule, ever — buy the course to find out
Is Snow Cones worth your hard-earned money?
I suppose it depends on if it helps you sell more of whatever you’re trying to sell. But if you read this review and found yourself chomping at the bit to learn how to sell like hell, then I suspect you’ll think Snow Cones is worth your money.
Go back over the list of other copywriting courses listed above. See how much they cost? Can you justify spending THAT much money? $97 might be a bargain compared to some of those courses.
Will it help you write better? Maybe. No substitute for hard work in the written word. Cole Schafer improved his writing by writing. We should do the same. But his short course certainly gets the choo-choo further down the tracks.
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