General proofreaders can make anywhere from $15 per hour to $100 an hour. Caitlin Pyle’s Proofreading Anywhere course can teach you how to start this work-at-home business.
If you are looking for a work-at-home business opportunity – you might like to learn how to be a professional proofreader.
There is a high demand for online proofreaders, because of the self-publishing industry exploding in popularity over the last decade.
Think about it! People are writing more blogs and eBooks etc. than ever before.
The documents need to be checked carefully – this is where you come in as a proofreader.
Learning The Basics of Freelance Proofreading
Proofreading is not quite as easy as it sounds. Even if you consider yourself an ‘eagle-eyed’ at spotting errors, there is a lot more to it.
There are many courses out there that will teach you what you need to know and how to start your own freelance proofreading business.
My personal favorite is one of the most popular proofreading courses in the world.
It’s called Proofreading Anywhere by Caitlin Pyle.
You can watch a 100% FREE masterclass by Caitlin where she explains why you might want to start a proofreading business and discusses her own story to proofreading success.
Disclosure: Please note that some of the links on this page are affiliate links. This means that we may earn a commission, at no cost to you, if you decide to make a purchase after clicking through the link. Please understand that we have experience with these companies, and we recommend them because they are helpful and useful, not because of the small commissions that we may receive if you decide to buy something through our links. Please do not spend any money on these products unless you feel you need them or that they will help you achieve your goals. Invest in your proofreading education but please note that we cannot guarantee income. The Proofread Anywhere General Proofreading course takes a lot of work but for many people it is worth it.
In this article, we want to discuss a bit more about Caitlin’s course. Many of our friends have taken this course and become full-time proofreaders.
You can read an article written by one of them here.
Who is Caitlin Pyle?
We lived very close to Caitlin in the Orland area in Florida. Basically, we were neighbors!
She started in 2007 as a freelance proofreader working from home. She has written about her journey from corporate America (she was essentially and allegedly unfairly fired from her job).
She landed on her feet and began general proofreading business. She managed to make about $50,000 doing this – working part-time at it!
Over the years she developed both the technical skills and business skills required to be a successful work-at-home proofreader.
In here webinar, she explains how proofreading is one of the very few businesses where you can get started for almost free.
Sure, you do need to invest in your education, but the cost is very small in comparison to the earning potential.
No student loans required…..unlike conventional career paths!
Alex Becker H-Com 3030 Course Review
General Proofreading: Theory and Practice (Course)
In Caitlin Pyle’s most popular course, you will learn:
The course is easy to follow, and each lesson builds on the one before.
The course cost is only $397 and they do have some nice discounts around holidays.
Some people might think that $397 is a lot for a course – in my opinion it’s a bargain. That is only a few hours of pay once you start the business.
We know that some courses will change your financial life and General Proofreading is one of them.
Here is an interview with a student of Proofread Anywhere discussing what she learned in the course.
Bullseye Trades: Best Alerts Service
Every Monday at the market open, Jeff sends you his weekly Bullseye Trade.
2022 has been AMAZING for these Bullseye Trades!
(+50% to 300% per week in my experience)
This student is making $2,000+ a month. If she paid $397 for the course that is an incredible 500% return on investment A MONTH! Try getting that in the stock market…..or anywhere!
Learn more about Proofread Anywhere HERE.
The Proofread Anywhere course also teaches you how to become a general proofreader from a business perspective.
The content focuses on how to find clients, start a good website and how to set your prices.
Caitlin shows you the secrets to acquiring clients by joining certain websites and associations where clients hang out.
She teaches the aspiring general proofreader how to approach clients and write proposals to win contracts and online proofreading jobs.
There is a General Proofreader Facebook group just for students of the course. These exclusive Facebook groups are soooo valuable in our experience.
Caitlin Pyle Proofreading Course: Conclusions
We hope that you have enjoyed this brief introduction to online proofreading as a potential side hustle income stream.
Buying courses such as Proofread Anywhere by Caitlin Pyle can literally change your life and this is a message that we are passionate about spreading.
Usually when we write articles about online proofreading, we get comments about how the article could really benefit from a proofreader! So, if you are cringing at this post – maybe you are destined to become a proofreader!
Also, mistakes in this content might be a test…
Online proofreading jobs can be fantastic side hustles that give you the freedom and flexibility to pursue the life of your dreams! The Proofread Anywhere cost can be recovered within one or two proofreading projects.
Be sure to check out the free proofreading course that Caitlin Pyle offers! It is one of the best ways to learn proofreading online in my opinion.
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Bullseye Trades: Best Alerts Service
Every Monday at the market open, Jeff sends you his weekly Bullseye Trade.
2022 has been AMAZING for these Bullseye Trades!
(+50% to 300% per week in my experience)
General proofreading can be an amazing business to start. Earning anywhere from $15 per hour to $100 an hour, you can work from home and spend more time with your family! Caitlin Pyle’s Proofreading Anywhere course teaches you how to start this awesome work-at-home business.