Have you heard of Jeff Clark? He sends out alerts telling subscribers what options contracts that he is buying and why. But can you make money following his options alerts? Here is our Jeff Clark review which looks at the Jeff Clark options trading alerts pros and cons.
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Come and join our stock trading alerts Facebook group (How To Make Money With Stock Alerts Services)! We also have a Stock Alerts Reviewed YouTube channel which we hope are helpful. As a new trader it’s helpful to be part of a community of traders so you don’t feel you are battling the market alone!
Bullseye Trades: Best Alerts Service
Every Monday at the market open, Jeff sends you his weekly Bullseye Trade.
2022 has been AMAZING for these Bullseye Trades!
(+50% to 300% per week in my experience)
Who Is Jeff Clark?
Jeff is a millionaire trader that specializes in trading options. He started trading options at just 19 years old! Maleah and I love passive income and we make significant income from these types of financial vehicles.
While we mainly trade stocks, options trading has the advantage of high leverage and well-defined risk/reward.
Back to Jeff Clark’s story…..
Jeff Clark bought call options when he was just 19 years old. It was pretty much a bet on the market going higher. He put about $600 into buying call options and tripled his money in a few hours!
Of course, this hooked him on options trading for the rest of his life!
The same thing happened several years ago when Maleah and I started trading stocks……
Jeff Clark continued to make massive amounts of money trading options. IBM calls doubled in two days then some ‘put’ options tripled within a week…..literally the next 17 options trades he did all made him huge amounts of money!
Can you imagine that!? As a brand new trader you make 17 out of 17 trades all winners (big winners at that!).
Jeff was able to turn his initial $5,000 in $50,000+ in two months!
Then he did what a lot of new traders do. They become convinced that they are investing geniuses! They start to go ‘all in’ in a greedy bid to make as much money as quickly as possible.
Jeff added another $25,000 to his $50,000 from his life savings.
Within just a few weeks, Jeff Clark lost his entire trading account that he had spent the last few months building up.
Luckily for Jeff, this happened to him very early on in his trading career.
Jeff went on to trade options for decades and retired at age 42.
Jeff Clark Options Trading Alerts Pros and Cons
That is why Jeff Clark developed his option trading strategy – to generate wealth in any market and to do it while minimizing risk. He developed the Jeff Clark Delta Report to help other people to do the same thing!
Bullseye Trades: Best Alerts Service
Every Monday at the market open, Jeff sends you his weekly Bullseye Trade.
2022 has been AMAZING for these Bullseye Trades!
(+50% to 300% per week in my experience)
Jeff Clark Options Trader Review – The Delta Report
Jeff Clark Delta Report newsletter started as a way to help people around the world to make money trading options in the short term. The Delta Report has helped thousands of traders to make money in the markets.
Jeff uses the methods that he teaches in the newsletter to trade his own account.
Jeff Clark’s Delta Report is a premium subscription newsletter that details what options trades that Jeff is likely to buy that week. The idea is that options contracts offer great leverage and risk/reward for subscribers.
The option trade alerts are usually short term – typically only a few days from buy to sell for (hopefully) a profit. In this volatile and crazy market, that limited exposure is a good thing!
Jeff Clark’s Delta Report strategy is pretty simple. He finds stocks that have sold off and are due for a bounce back up in price. Jeff is an expert at finding and timing trades on these types of stocks.
He then finds options contracts that will be best suited to capitalize on the underlying stock’s likely upcoming price move.
Most of the Jeff Clark trader reviews that I have found all agree that he is a legitimate trader that has a vast experience trading options – this is what you want when you purchase a service like his Delta Report.
I don’t know about you, but I want a seasoned, battle-scarred veteran trader to be looking for trades and alerting me to them!
Jeff Clark has been trading for decades and he has traded through some of the best and worst times in recent history. He seems to be quite a good trader and his Delta Report is something that we will consider signing up for.
What We Like About Jeff Clarks Delta Report
We like the idea that you can get trade alerts from an expert trader like Jeff. He sends out his alerts at the same time every week – so you know when to be ready!
The idea that you get training videos as well as alerts is great. When learning a new trading strategy, its best to learn the actual strategy and not just follow someone elses trades.
What We Don’t Like About Jeff Clark Delta Report
Delta Report costs $5,000 a year. This is pretty high for an alerts service that gives you a trade per week. Also, there are quite a few negative reviews online about Delta Report.
While we expect negative reviews on these types of services (it is HARD to get just positive reviews in this industry!) it is always nice to see more positivity surrounding a service that is so expensive.
Bullseye Trades: Best Alerts Service
Every Monday at the market open, Jeff sends you his weekly Bullseye Trade.
2022 has been AMAZING for these Bullseye Trades!
(+50% to 300% per week in my experience)
Jeff Clark Options Trading Alerts (Pros and Cons): Conclusions
The competing programs just make is so hard to fully endorse Jeff Clark’s Delta Report. We know the above alerts programs produce results for subscribers and at a fraction of the cost of Delta Report.
Given that the Delta Report reviews that we have read are not exactly stellar, I doubt we will subscribe to the service. In terms of value for money, the three competing services discussed above are most likely a much better choice if you want to trade options.
For short term trading, we have had some amazing wins with EagleTrades.
Good Luck,
Russell and Maleah
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Hopefully, these Jeff Clark Options Trading Alerts (Pros and Cons) can help you in your trading journey to make more money online!